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馃敻 諃請猿曰 员諐諒請諕跃請諈 ~ HOK脥 ASDUDZ脫 馃敻

諃崭眨斋 员战湛崭謧债崭盏, 崭謤 咋謨铡占铡寨謥斋 諗崭盏 咋窄崭謤瞻崭謧謤栅 斋栈榨铡宅 斋 盏榨謤寨斩斋謥 寨铡湛铡謤榨战 斋 毡榨占战 沾榨謤, 瞻榨詹沾铡沾闸 员謤榨铡斩 諐崭謤铡, 铡詹铡展榨沾謩 咋諗榨咋, 瞻铡斩眨崭՛ 咋瞻崭眨斋战 沾榨謤 斩斩栈榨謥榨宅崭謥斩:

Hok铆 Asdudz贸, vor zparagts铆 Ko zjorh煤rt ichi谩l i hergn铆ts gadar茅s i tz茅r锚s mer; heghm谩mp Ari谩n Sor谩, aghach茅mk zK茅z, hank贸 zhok铆s mer nnchetsel贸tsn.

Hokee Asdoodzoh, vor zparagtsi Koh zkhorhoort eechyal ee hergneets gadares ee tzerus mer, heghmamp Aryan Sora, aghachemk uzKez, hankoh uzhokees mer nunchetselotsn.

Oh Esp铆ritu de Dios que has descendido del Cielo y obras por nuestras manos el sacramento de tu conglorioso Jesucristo, te pedimos, por su Sangre derramada, que concedas la paz a las almas de nuestros difuntos.

Spirit of God, who, descending from heaven, accomplishes through us the mystery of him who is glorified with you, by the shedding of his blood, we beseech you, grant rest to the souls of those of ours who have fallen asleep.






